Wednesday 27 January 2016

Staff Changes

There have been several staff changes this year.
Our new Practice Manager is Carolyn Sara.
Both Dr Sue Genner and her nurse Rebecca Park have recently left. Dr Eva Henneken will be taking over this practice and her nurse will be Stacey

Thursday 28 February 2013

Flu Vaccines are here

It's that time again! Flu vaccines are here - come and get yours now!
If you are over 65 it is free.
If you have any ongoing medical conditions - it may be free - ask your nurse.
Don't forget if you get vaccinated you protect not only yourself but vulnerable people around you.

Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas from the staff of Thames Medical Centre.

We will be closed on the statutory holidays but open for business other days. Our staff numbers will be reduced due to staff holidays over this time and we ask for your patience. We will just take bookings on the day & will not be available to do long medicals or minor surgery until after the new year.

From 7 January our staff numbers will be back to normal.

If you have an emergency when we are closed please phone our number as usual and you will be put through to a nurse who can give you advice and tell you where to access care if it is needed.

Monday 12 March 2012

Myths about the flu vaccine:

“I (or my friend) got the vaccine and it gave them an awful dose of the flu”
Actually this is not possible as the vaccine is not a live virus you can NEVER catch it from the vaccine.
BUT -  
(1) Less than 1% of people get a side effect where they develop flu-like symptoms, such as mild fever and muscle aches, after vaccination. This is usually mild and brief lasting at most 24 to 48 hours. These side effects are not the same as having influenza.
(2) Immunity takes 1-2 weeks to develop – if you are exposed to the flu during this interval you will be just as likely to catch it – avoid that by getting your flu vaccine early.
(3) To many people "the flu" is any illness with fever and cold symptoms. Influenza vaccine only protects against certain influenza viruses, not all viruses.
(4) The influenza vaccine is not 100% effective, especially in older persons. So if you are around a person who is older or has a health condition you can protect them by getting vaccinated also as the vaccine may not be as effective in them.

Friday 2 March 2012


We're all getting our flu vaccines next week. Hurry in and get yours. It might be free!
It is FREE if:
You are 65 or over
You have asthma and use preventive inhalers
You have diabetes
You are pregnant
You have heart disease of anykind
You have had cancer (except mild skin cancers).
You have lung disease
You have kidney disease
You have a "neurological" condition like stroke or multiple sclerosis etc
Some other conditions get a free one too - ask your doctor or nurse.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Statins - more good news

Don't believe all those rumours about statins, the rates of side effects are low and today in the news there is an article looking at a huge study (10,000 people) 11 years down the track - those who took statins are still better off - a 14% lowering in their death rates!

If you want to find out more look for information on "Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes--Lipid-Lowering Arm"

Some of those most vocal in spreading the bad news about statins have a vested interest and want you to buy their unproven product instead.

Spread the good news about statins!

Tuesday 16 August 2011


It hasn't yet reached Thames but it is in the Waikato. There have been over 100 cases in Auckland and at least 5 have needed hospital admission.

If your child hasn't had the MMR vaccine please reconsider it now. The complication rate from measles (including death and brain damage and blindness) is MUCH MUCH higher than the very rare rate of serious side effects of the vaccine. You would never forgive yourself if your child was one of those who got the serious measles complications.

The link between MMR and autism has been DISPROVEN many times and the man who first made the allegation has admitted to falsifying the information to make money. (google Andrew Wakefield)